
Showing posts from November, 2014

Add product categories to menu in woocommerce

WordPress comes with a wonderful and easy to use menus functionality, letting you quickly create a custom menu and place it in your theme’s supported menu areas or even in a widgetized area with the menus widget. By default WordPress, and our themes, will start by adding all of your pages to the default navigation menu. You can then  customize your menu in all our themes by going to  Appearance > Menus . WordPress Menus Location

Add Variable products in woocommerce

Variable products  are a great feature of WooCommerce for offering variations of a product with different prices, stock and more. They can be used for offering variations of a product e.g. a large t-shirt vs a small t-shirt. Each variation can have different properties and prices. Adding attributes for variations Set the product type To add a variable product first selection the type ‘ variable ’ from the product type dropdown. The interface will change to reflect your selection. Choose the variation type Define variation attributes On the attributes tab add some attributes to your product – you can use global attributes (see  Managing Product Categories, Tags and Attributes ) or define some custom ones specific for your product. Add your attribute to the product Make sure to assign all values of the attribute to the variable product which will become options and check the ‘variation’ checkbox on each attribute to tell WooCommerce its for your variations: ...